Stolley Lyft FAQ

Conveniently located to serve Maui and Hawaii

The Stolley Lyft is a non-surgical facelift that was developed by experienced aesthetic expert Dr. Brian Stolley. If you’re interested in the Stolley Lyft, these FAQs for Maui patients are a great way to learn more.

How Does the Stolley Lyft Work?

The Stolley Lyft is a tailored approach that combines dermal fillers, neuromodulators, and other advanced techniques to achieve incredible results.

Dermal fillers restore volume to enhance the contours of the face and reduce moderate and harsh wrinkles. Neuromodulators smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. These are paired with state-of-the-art energy-based skin treatments, including radiofrequency treatments, laser treatments, and ultrasound treatments.

Customizing and administering the Stolley Lyft requires skill, expertise, and an eye for artistry. Dr. Stolley will ensure that each treatment is chosen specifically to highlight the patient’s best features and achieve their appearance goals.

What Are the Benefits of the Stolley Lyft?

The Stolley Lyft creates impressive anti-aging results. It reduces age lines, restores volume to hollow areas, tightens loose skin, and makes patients look more youthful.

The best benefit of the Stolley Lyft is experiencing results similar to a surgical facelift without the downtime. Post-treatment swelling and bruising are minor in comparison to surgery and are much more manageable.

The Stolley Lyft is faster than a traditional facelift and should not last for more than an hour. Additionally, no general anesthesia is required for the Stolley Lyft, helping to avoid the risks associated with general anesthesia. This also allows patients to get back to their everyday schedule much faster.

Is the Stolley Lyft Painful?

The Stolley Lyft is not painful. Local or topical anesthesia may be administered to numb the region and prevent any pain or discomfort during the treatment session. After the treatment, you may be directed to apply a cold compress to help manage any post-treatment discomfort.

Am I a Good Candidate for the Stolley Lyft?

The best candidates for the Stolley Lyft treatment are clients who want a non-surgical alternative to a facelift. Since your Stolley Lyft will be customized to your specific needs and goals, it is ideal for most patients.

The Stolley Lyft is an economical option for people who want to experience the significant improvements of a facelift but have not decided on going under the knife yet.

Are There Side Effects to the Stolley Lyft?

Expect swelling, bruising, and redness that should go away shortly. Other side effects vary depending on the exact treatments included in your procedure. Before your treatment, your complete medical history will be assessed to ensure that you are not allergic to the products that will be used.

What Is the Aftercare Like for the Stolley Lyft?

Specific aftercare directions will be given based on the treatments included in your customized Stolley Lyft. Follow these as closely as possible to ensure quality results.

Avoid exercise or any strenuous activities for one to two days after your Stolley Lyft. For a time after your treatment, do not take hot showers or saunas and do not use tanning beds. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. These activities can make swelling worse and may reduce the effectiveness of the injectables.

Protect yourself from direct sunlight, and apply the recommended sunscreen as directed. To maintain your results, make sure to avoid activities that promote signs of aging. Dermal fillers and neuromodulators last longer in patients who do not smoke.

Is the Stolley Lyft Covered by Insurance?

The Stolley Lyft is a purely cosmetic treatment, and because of that, it is not covered by medical insurance.